This Estate was a highly fortified headquarters for the Arcane families. Before it was destroyed, it was located in a peaceful Seattle neighborhood with a grand overlooking view of the water. Those who were fortunate enough to visit the estate found it very hard to leave. The grounds were protected by magical security, spells putting a mystical chain-link thanks to the works of a great Abjurer. The Azoth Estate was shrouded from those who weren’t of the magical bloodlines – including the Shadowkind. With three stories, all of the families could safely relocate to the grounds when they needed.
On the third floor, at the very top of the stairs, rested a door with a keypad containing seven numbers. Thanks to an ‘endless vacancy’ spell put in place, every family and family member had their own room while staying there. Reaching their personal quarters was a simple as putting in their own personal key code. Next to a lavish foyer, a scrying room rested for the family of Divination. There was a great hall and a living room extended on the far side of the estate. While there were many others rooms located within the safe haven, two spectacular places of interest rested within: the Arcane Museum and the Library.
These two rooms were restricted to the Elders and the Heads of the families. When one of these members were present, other members such as siblings and friends were allowed to enter; however, without an Elder or Head present, they were kicked from the room. A magical spell protected the books from being taken from the library; there was a four-digit code on each of the glass containers holding the rare magical artifacts inside.
On July 15, 2007, the Azoth Estate was demolished. Due to the increasing forces of the Shadowkind, and the rapidly declining number of Arcanists because of their attacks, the barriers didn’t take long to break. Many Shadowkind followed a few of the Conjurers and Necromancers through their teleportation signatures, allowing them access to the Estate. With their presence, they were able to completely diminish the barriers around the grounds and more Shadowkind were able to break through. The Azoth Estate became the first warzone for the families. Many died on the grounds, and the handful that escaped the battlefield relocated to Sunset Glades, FL.